About the Forum

The Food Market & Retail Forum is two days of debates, presentations and speeches by experts, an evening gala with the presentation of the prestigious awards granted by the “Rynek Spożywczy” Magazine and the presentation of the “Good Product” certificates, as well as a series of more or less formal meetings.

The Forum is a place where over 1,000 representatives of the agri-food industry and retail chains, as well as wholesalers and suppliers of logistics, marketing and technological services exchange their knowledge, experience and best practice. More than 50 per cent of the participants in the Forum are Chairmen of the Board and Members of the Board, General and Managing Directors, Chief Operating Officers, Sales and Procurement Directors, and middle-level managers.

The Forum also provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage in a debate on the problems and opportunities the industry is facing, which is attended by the representatives of the public administration, including Ministers, Members of the Polish and European Parliaments, representatives of government agencies, analysts and scientists.

The first day of the Forum will culminate in a ceremonial Gala combined with the presentation of the Food Market Awards and the “Good Product 2015” certificates.