Jakub Olipra
Senior Economist
Credit Agricole Bank Polska
Jakub Olipra holds a PhD in Economics. He is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), where he has been working since 2019 as an assistant at the Applied Economics Department. Since 2015 at Credit Agricole Bank Polska, where he is responsible for macroeconomic and agri-food sector analyses. In 2016 he was distinguished in a competition for best proposals for reforms of the Polish economy organised by the National Bank of Poland for his work entitled ‘To Tap the Potential of Polish Rural Areas’. He ranked in top places in the competition for best forecasts of agricultural commodities prices organised by the Rzeczpospolita.
Participates in the sessions:
Exports in times of localism and new safety regimes
- How to (re)build consumer confidence?
- Scenarios for food exports
- Localism and safety – the new export currency
- Polish export success, despite rising costs and pandemic regimes
- Stop protectionism! Let us be defenders of the EU’s freedoms and free market!
The situation in the meat industry: Who has lost and who has gained?
- Lockdown, ASF and negative campaigning – challenges for the meat industry AD 2020
- The meat industry has finally got its showrooms: restaurant concepts, co-operation with chefs, and butcher’s shops
- Vegetable substitutes and ready-to-eat snacks – a new idea for meat products
- Sustainable development, quality, and tradition – strong industry development trends
The dairy industry – the industry that cannot ‘stop’
- The dairy industry has gone through COVID-19 almost symptomless. Q2 and Q3 assessment
- Following new trends and eating styles
- GMOs and lactose-free products: Are they just big marketing jiggery-pokery?
- Maintaining safety and stability in the exports of surpluses is crucial for the entire industry
- The dairy industry versus the EU’s green regulations. What should farmers and processing plants expect?