Marian Owerko
Participates in the sessions:
Management in ‘remote’ times. Challenges for leaders
- Remote management and stationary production
- March 2020 – a time of rapid revolution. The great test for managers and production directors
- New forms of communication and team management methods
- As resourceful as a Polish entrepreneur. Being accustomed to crises, he or she can deal with anyone
- The latest technologies are changing the face of the Polish food industry
- The need for digitalisation and the importance of information for company and market development
Innovation in the times of the coronavirus. What about the hopes of start-ups?
- Food design – in line with trends, nature and consumers
- A small group of faithful fans: Is it a recipe for success?
- TikTok, Instagram, gaming, and e-sport – what counts is a precise message
- Values more important than trends: waste food, eco, and vegan
- What else might surprise consumers? Has everything been ‘tried’ already?