Each year, we are delighted to welcome a group of Speakers composed of representatives of the government, industry organisations, the largest companies operating in the food and HoReCa sectors, producers, processing plant managers, and distributors, as well as a number of other experts having a real impact on changes in the food and retail sector – to name but a few.
CEO, Group Maspex
Member of the Board, Grupa Eurocash
President, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
Commercial Director Netto Polska
Member of the Board, SuperDrob
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Bakalland
Sociologist, CEO, Omnisense
commerce director, SM Mlekpol
Managing Director, Lotte Wedel
President, Grain Processors and Feed Producers
Chairman of the Board, Frisco
The Food Market & Retail Forum is the largest conference on the food, retail and HoReCa sector in Poland. The event brings together key producers, suppliers and retail market leaders, as well as representatives of the government and industry organisations. We will discuss together the revolution and change we are all witnessing at the moment.
The main slogan of this year’s Forum is Think Agile – encompassing hundreds of flexible and agile actions taken by Polish companies in response to the changing reality.
scenarios and challenges for the industry in the midst of geopolitical and financial turmoil; new business models; exports at a time of breakthroughs; and catering trends
green principles in production; plant-based food; decarbonisation; and climate neutrality towards transformation
innovations and start-ups; foodtech; retailtech; the shopping of tomorrow; and new consumer technologies
ESG; social responsibility; e-commerce after the pandemic; and building a better brand
well-being and environmental responsibility; circular shopping; transparency towards customers; shopping and experience comfort; and local sourcing and seasonality
Thank you for participating in the event! We invite you to watch the retransmission of the thematic sessions
Think Agile: The always agile food industry
The acquisition rush, or what triggered the wave of consolidation
Exports at a turning point – new directions, and new opportunities
Food and packaging without a trace – reduce, reuse, recycle
Factory 4.0 – automated, robotised, digital, and green
Transformation of the meat industry
The circular economy (GOZ) and extended producer responsibility (ROP) – the key abbreviations for the FMCG and retail industry
Managing an FMCG company in a changing world
Alcohol and snacks – the stars of supermarket shelves
The plant-based food market – a promising niche is breaking into the mainstream
New Trade Deal
The consumer’s motto: cheap, online, and close by
ESG in the food and retail industry
Foodtech and Retailtech – innovations and start-ups are changing the market picture
The power of e-commerce
HoReCa TrendsTalks
On 7 November, during the evening Gala, the Food & Retail Awards and the Good Product (Dobry Product) certificates will be presented.
Companies interested in commercial co-operation with us are kindly requested to contact:
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